
The 2023 round of the Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey is currently in the field. Updates will follow soon!

2018 Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey

The 2018 Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey (POPPA) dataset measures positions and attitudes of 250 parties on key attributes related to populism, political style, party ideology, and party organization in 28 European countries.The expert survey was fielded between April 2018 and July 2018 to 294 country-experts. 

We provide the following data files:

  • party_means: This file contains the mean expert judgments per political party.
  • party_medians: This file contains the median expert judgments per political party.
  • expert-level: This file contains the expert judgments per political party on expert level.


When using the dataset, please cite both the dataset on Harvard Dataverse and the article in Comparative Political Studies:

  • Meijers, Maurits; Zaslove, Andrej, 2020, “Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey 2018 (POPPA)”,, Harvard Dataverse.
  • Meijers, M. J., & Zaslove, A. (2021). Measuring Populism in Political Parties: Appraisal of a New Approach. Comparative Political Studies54(2), 372–407.

The POPPA expert survey was conducted by dr. Maurits Meijers and dr. Andrej Zaslove. We are grateful for the amazing research assistance by Margot Daris, Loran de Hollander and Lars Stevenson. We could not have done this project without them. In addition, we would like to thank Victor Ellenbroek and Benthe van Wanrooij for their research assistance. The POPPA team gratefully acknowledges funding from Radboud University and from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) [Grant: M. Meijers, VI.Veni.191R.018].